Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday Confessions

Okay, I really get a kick out of 'Friday Confessions' sponsored by Mamarazzi at 'Dandielion Wishes.' I thought it was particularly appropriate this week and so, without further ado, here are my Friday Confessions:

  • I do not do well with technology.
  • I do not know what my URL is let alone how to find it.
  • It takes me a bazillion times longer than most young people to accomplish a basic task on my computer.
  • I really, really just want to do what I want to do without having to speak computereze.
On another, totally unrelated topic:

  • I'm sick to death of winter.
  • I don't want to hear that we need the snow pack for summer recreation.
  • I don't want to do all of those indoor projects that, admittedly, need doing.
  • I don't want to put on the happy face of a 'true, native Oregon'.
  • I just want to complain and moan about it.
So, those are my Friday Confessions for this week .... oh and, I keep sneaking the Easter candy so, I really need some sunshine so I can get outside.

1 comment:

Mamarazzi said...

aww...i know blogging confused me when i first started but i am here to help.

your blog url looks like this:

see it up there in your address bar? (that spot where you enter a web page you want to visit)

When you click on the title of your post AFTER it is published and life on your blog it changes to this:

most link parties asking for a url (blog address) ask that you link to the specific post pertaining to that link party. so that is how you get it.

i am always here to answer questions.