Thursday, September 22, 2011


A few years ago I purchased a couple of boudoir pillow inserts and pillow covers from Pottery Barn.  Well, as we all know, tastes change ... as do the seasons.  I wanted different covers for my little pillows but, PB stopped selling much in that size.  I finally decided I would have to bite the bullet and make something.

Yesterday, I went to the fabric store and scored a muslin remnant for half off of $5.99.  Well, since my sewing machine has been loaned out for months, I thought I might just try doing this project with fusible hem tape.  The tape was another $2 and change.  So, today I whipped up these little cuties with my scissors and my iron.  I think they turned out darling, don't you?

I must confess though ... I found these buttons which are to die for and they were a whopping $2.50 each.  But, I figure that since the entire project worked out to less than $8.00 per pillow cover that the buttons were well worth the cost.  And, the time into the project was about two hours, including sewing on the buttons.

This was a super easy, no-sew project to solve the problem of finding the perfect pillow covers.


Unknown said...

Really cute! Who would have known you didn't even need a sewing machine to make them?

Helene said...

That is so nice looking!!! And so simple!!!