Okay, I'm going to try hooking up with Mammarazzi & Queso for 'We Want to Know' Wednesday.
1. What is your favorite holiday?
I would have to say that my favorite holiday was always Christmas. I decorated every nook and cranny and went crazy but, I'm getting older people and its losing a little of its shine. But then, my newly married kids are ready to pick up that torch so, I'm willing to hand it over. I also really like the 4th of July ... good, old American fun with no obligatory gift giving and lots of good food.
2. Do you have any fun holiday traditions? What are they?
Well, obviously the decorating. I love pretty things so I think I like the decorating almost better than the actual holidays. We always had multiple trees. Another fun tradition was to go on a tour of lights around the community. And then, there were always the cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning ... right after the gift opening frenzy.
3. When do you start Christmas shopping?
Never soon enough ... because I always have this fear that one of the kids will tell me what they really, really want after I'm done. Also, I'm not a big fan of 'have to' shopping. If I'm going to shop, it needs to be spontaneous and with no real agenda.
4. What is your favorite holiday food?
Well, cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning are wonderful. We did ham on Christmas traditionally so, even if we change it up and do a prime rib on Christmas Eve, there is alway ham on Christmas day whether it be for a brunch or a later dinner.
5. Share a favorite childhood holiday memory
Hmmm? Well, one year we were going to be traveling overseas to see family for Christmas so my mom knew we wouldn't be able to take a lot. So, for my Thanksgiving birthday (yes, I'm that pathetic kid) she bought two dolls which were alike in every way except one had dark hair and one was blonde. She then proceeded to sew twin wardrobes for those little dolls. They had everything from nighties and robes to party dresses. I was in love I tell you. I still have those dollies. I also still have my sweet mom and she is poised to give a doll to a great grand if she is around.
6. Have you ever actually tried fruitcake??
Yes, but I'd sooner leave it than take it. Give me chocolate instead.
What great memories. Ugh fruitcake. Why?
mmmm cinnamon rolls....we do that on Christmas morning too. its a must!! and my son is a thanksgiving baby too...i try and console him by telling him that at least he'll always be on school vacation for his birthday! but the dollies are an ADORABLE gift!! i'd keep them too!!
ps- I'm givin' love for mamarazzi today too, she's out of town but says hi to everyone! :)
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