Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Jumping Back on the Horse

Wow!  No words really.  Here it is 2020 and I have not blogged since 2017.  I never did this for any reason other than to get my thoughts out.  Then, my marriage died, my life did a 180 and I had a lot of changes ... too many changes.  Finally, my laptop gave up the ghost.  That is the reason, in a nutshell, that I didn't blog.  So, here I am with a new laptop and at a decidedly different place in my life and feeling ready to write again.  I'll probably start slow to reintroduce myself to this practice, mainly because I confess to being all but tech illiterate.  I'm going to try to learn how to do this all over again and, I envision that my wonderful kids will be my tech support.

A WHOLE LOT has happened since my last post in September of 2017, both personally and on a worldwide scale.  You would have to be living in a monastery on a mountaintop in seclusion to not know what these many issues are ... and they are tough issues.  I'm not going to reinvent the wheel as to what people know or don't know. I will probably just go down the path of what and how things are affecting me.  My thoughts are either going to look familiar to some or diametrically opposed to others.  It is just going to be my truth.

Anyways ...... I'm back .... I guess.  

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