Friday, September 7, 2012

Is It Fall?

Well, this summer really flew on by ... not that the summer-like weather is done.  It is 90 something outside here in western Oregon at the moment.  But, it is September.  The kids are back in school, football has started and,  people are doing their fall projects and decorating.  The craft store is abuzz I tell you.  I am on that bandwagon myself ... more or less.  I have put some fall decorations up but, I draw the line at Halloween-specific just yet.  I'm staying with the harvest motif until October.

I have been scurrying to finish a lot of summer projects that need good weather to work in.  I'm starting to feel the pressure that some things may not get done this year ... again.  Oh well, let it go.  I have accomplished quite a bit, pictures have been taken and when the final tweaks have been made, I'll do some project posts.  Still, when it is this hot outside, its hard to find the energy bursts needed for some things.  I do know that I'm tired of watering ... and dust.  I am definitely tired of dust.  Living in a farm belt, I can't keep ahead of it.  A nice little soaking rain to lay it all down would be nice.  Then, we could get back to our Indian Summer.

I cannot believe that a week of September is already gone.  I have a lot left on my summer 'to do' list.  I want to make a road trip or two before the snow flies ... important because I don't drive the mountain passes here in Oregon when the snow is on.  I do have a beach trip planned for late September with my lifelong best friends.  We do love our gal weekends.  Now that my daughter lives out of state, I also want to head her way for a little visit.  Another friend is talking November for a trip.  And, there are college football home games to attend, which pretty much knocks a hole in any weekend.

Labor Day weekend was spent with part of the family at our ranch in southern Oregon with a little side trip to beautiful Crater Lake.  It was not our first time there, of course, but it never ceases to take ones breath away.

Then it was back to the ranch for some quiet pursuits, relaxing, fishing, reading, wining and dining.  The sunset was spectacular followed by an astounding 'blue' moon.

So, summer has gone and it is fall ... isn't it?  But, there is still some beautiful weather to enjoy, projects to be done, and fun to be had.  Hope you all are having a wonderful end of summer transition.

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