Well, I am going to try this again ... linking up with Mamarazzi for Friday Confessional. I'm quite frequently not that successful at it and I accept that about myself. So, here goes:
I confess:
- I'm feeling a little cheated that summer just got here in my neck of the woods. I mean, most people are full throttle with their outdoor activities. I am way behind.
- I took a look at my 'salad garden' and, people, there is one tiny, lone tomato on one bush and a teeny green pepper on another. That's it. Meanwhile, I see all of these fabulous posts of people with their bounty of veggies. Well, I do have nice lettuce but, sheesh!
- I look at the calendar and realize that maybe I'm not going to have time to finish all of my dreamed of projects and go on a road trip or two. Something is going to have to give ... maybe. I guess I had better get busy.
- I have a tendency to think that I must 'make hay while the sun shines' which is not the most conducive state of mind for summer relaxation. So, I am trying to slow down and smell the roses which, by the way, are one thing in the Pacific Northwest that are simply glorious and abundant right now. We do get some pretty fabulous flowers for our April, May and June showers.
Well, that's pretty much it. Feeling like summer showed up late and is in a big, old hurry. Guess I'll go outside for awhile ... and just smile. Now, go on over and link up with Mamarazzi yourself.
First, welcome to the party!
Some years that garden gives you more than you can eat. Some years, it just doesn't seem like enough. I'm jealous of your lettuces; it got too hot too fast here in SC for our Romaine.
Have a fabulous weekend!
Hello, I'm fairly new to confessions, and have had several false starts and mis-steps.
Be thankful summer is coming to you slowly. We are in the midst of a serious, hateful heat wave, and I am already longing for fall & winter!
Hope you have a great weekend!
Even if summer is slow...enjoy it! Maybe you will be lucky and it will not be as hot.
I just found your blog and as I read it I thought you must also live in the PNW. I have a garden that sounds a lot like yours. We must be kindred spirits because I was 'relaxing' on my porch and suddenly found myself on the side of the house pulling weeds.
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