Well, as most people who are familiar with the blog world know, there are these things called 'Link Parties'. What a great idea ... in theory. I mean, who would not want to share all of their wonderful projects and ideas, right? I would. Seriously! If I could figure out how to do it ... easily.
You see, every time you want to participate in a link party, you have to get real handy with a computer. Well, I'm not ... very. First, you need to take pictures of your project. That's the whole point ... mostly ... to share the visual. So then, you download those photos onto your computer. Fortunately, most cameras and computers these days make that easy enough for a trained monkey to accomplish it. So far, so good. Now, assuming one has a blog, it is time to write the post. It took me awhile but, I finally figured out how to get the aforementioned photos onto my blog post, get them appropriately sized and fit the text of my posts around them. This was probably not without sufficient cursing ... if memory serves me. So, blog written ... yada, yada, yada ... and now its time to link up.
AND. NOW. ITS. TIME. TO. LINK. UP. Aaaaagh! I truly hate this part. Because, now there are all of these copying and pasting hoops to jump through. Hate it, I tell you. First, why can't the little blue box grab exactly what you want it to grab without going all spastic? Hmmm, is that asking too much? Then, after you've right clicked and left clicked the requisite number of times, you just pray that its coming with you to the blog you are linking up with. Whew, made it! But noooooooo ... now you have to refer back, etc., etc. and then drop your 'http' whatever into a little box and well, sheesh. What a pain! I feel you should just be able to drop it over there and be done. I don't even care if anyone visits my blog. But, I guess that's the point for serious bloggers ... which I am not. And, everytime I go through these hoops ... more of which are unsuccessful than successful, I tell myself ... never again.
So, that is why link parties and the surrounding technology is a love/hate thing for me. Its all good if you are 20 or 30 something. But, at my age ... not only do I only want to do what I want to do on a computer, I'm not overly concerned with all of the slick stuff one can accomplish. I just don't care enough to learn it because I won't use it enough to remember what I did. Is that fuddy-duddy of me? I guess so but, again ... don't care. So, while I do enjoy seeing what other people have contributed to link parties and blogs, I guess the world will mostly have to do without seeing my stuff. Ah well, I'm sure what they don't know they are missing won't hurt them.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Hopping Down the Bunny Trail

{1} What is your favorite Easter tradition?
I don't really have a favorite tradition. Of course, when my kids were small, we always did Easter baskets, fancy duds and some sort of meal ... brunch or dinner depending on when extended family could be there. I guess my favorite thing was the community Easter egg hunts on the Saturday preceding Easter Sunday. It was a kick watching the kids run amok.
{2} Tell us about your Easter meal.
We always have ham whether we do brunch, dinner or dine out. This year we will be traveling to Whidbey Island in Washington state to have brunch with our kids. Our son has been holding out for some sort of ferry ride. I hope that can happen for him. I also hope that if it happens, we are back to lovely weather.
{3} Do you decorate for Easter?
I decorate a little bit ... more to do with spring than Easter per se. I do put up a little Easter but, since the kids have left home (and especially if we aren't doing Easter here), I don't do much. When the kids were small, I went all out ... right down to putting fake bunny thumb prints on the doorjamb on Easter morning so they would know that the Easter bunny was, in fact, real. I still crack up and the looks on their faces.
{4} Your Easter basket is not complete without....
Chocolate ... and then a Peep or two ... and then, well, more chocolate.
{5} Are you getting an Easter dress?
No. I rarely do dresses at all. I mean, with two children having married in 2011, I did dresses. Dresses for showers, dresses for rehearsal dinners and, of course, dresses for the wedding. I'm over it. I'm just really not a dress kind of gal.
And that, my friends is it for my bunny trail exploits. Not very exciting I'm afraid. But, you wanted to know, right?
Now hop on over and link up and answer these questions for yourself.
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