This week I am joining Mamarazzi's Friday Confessional because I feel I may have a real problem.
I confess:
- I may be addicted to Pinterest.
- If you know of Pinterest, you may be facing the same problem.
- I spend way too much time 'pinning' (as opposed to 'winning').
I confess:
- I have found some wonderful ideas on Pinterest but, have not actually implemented any of them.
- I confess that I'm like a dealer in that I hand out invites to all of my friends, totally enabling them in their own habit.
- We all may need a 'Pintervention' (as this problem continues to grow).
I confess:
- I really, really like Pinterest.
- Never have I seen so much wonderful 'eye candy' in one easy to access place.
- It brings out the organizer in me ... I love the ability to have multiple boards.
- Pinterest eliminates the need to shred one's magazines and amass stacks of paper in order to save ideas.
- I'm not likely to give it up.
Now, go on over and hook up with Mamarazzi and own up to your own bad habits.