Have you ever had a moment of perfect peace, or joy, or grace? I bet you have ... the thing is, did you really notice and take it in. I happen to think there are many of them in life but, in this fast paced society, we don't always appreciate them. I had one such moment today. Let me tell you about it.
I was driving into town to meet a friend for coffee. The sun was shining and the day had become warmer than predicted. I was driving along noticing that so many trees were either in bud or blooming. The myriad shades of green that are Oregon in the spring were just vibrant and those were accented by pink and white blossoms as well as the splashes of yellow of the daffodils in yards and along the road.
I looked up and noticed that the blue sky was dotted with puffy white clouds ... I am such a cloud person. Love them! A hawk was floating on an updraft and slowly circling overhead. And then I saw him.
He was a the most gorgeous white stallion and he was prancing through the pasture along a fence line. His head and tail were up and his mane was flowing out behind him like a creature out of a fairytale. He was stunning and it was almost as if he knew how beautiful he was. And I knew that he also knew that the world was waking up. The color is back and spring has sprung. He was just so full of joy that it was contagious and I basked in that brief moment ... a perfect moment on a perfect spring day.
These moments are the gifts that we receive only as often as we are open to them. Be open, take in those moments, look around and see the joy. It will change your perspective ... trust me.